Pre-1955 Latin/English Propers for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost Commemorating St. Jerome – September 30, 2012



Da pacem, Dómine, sustinéntibus te, ut prophétae tui fidéles inveniántur: exáudi preces servi tui, et plebis tuae Israël. Ps. cxxi. 1. Laetátus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi: in domum Dómini íbimus. v. Glória Patri.

Give peace, O Lord, to them that patiently wait for Thee, that Thy prophets may be found faithful: hear the prayers of Thy servant, and of Thy people Israel. Ps. I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: We shall go into the house of the Lord. v. Glory be.



Dírigat corda nostra, quaésumus, Dómine, tuae miseratiónis operátio: quia tibi sine te placére non póssumus. Per Dóminum.

In Thy tender mercy, direct our hearts, we beseech Thee, O Lord, because without Thee we are not able to please Thee. Through our Lord.

Second Collect

Deus, qui Ecclesiae tuae in exponendis sacris Scripturis beatum Hieronymum Confessorem tuum, Doctorem maximum providere dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus; ut, ejus suffragantibus mentis, quod ore simul et opere docuit, te adjuvante exercere valeamus. Per Dominum.

O God, who for the expounding of Holy Scripture, didst raise up in Thy Church the great and holy doctor Jerome; grant, we beseech Thee, that, through his intercession and merits, we may put in practice what both by word and by work he has taught us. Through our Lord.

Third Collect

At the option of the priest

At the option of the priest



The preaching of the Gospel is a testimony to Christ. Those who accept it are superabundantly endowed with heavenly gifts and can await with confidence the glorious coming of Jesus at the end of time.

Léctio Epístolae beáti Pauli Apóstoli ad Corínthios. Fratres: Grátias ago Deo meo semper pro vobis in grátia Dei, quae data est vobis in Christo Jesu: quod in ómnibus dívites facti estis in illo, in omni verbo, et in omni sciéntia: sicut testimónium Christi confirmátum est in vobis: ita ut nihil vobis desit in ulla grátia, exspectántibus revelatiónem Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, qui et confirmábit vos usque in finem sine crímine, in die advéntus Dómini nostri Jesu Christi.

Lesson from the Epistle of blessed Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. Brethren, I give thanks to my God always for you, for the grace of God that is given you in Christ Jesus, that in all things you are made rich in Him, in all utterance and in all knowledge, as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that nothing is wanting to you in any grace, waiting for the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who also will confirm you into the end without crime, in the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Laetátus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi: in domum Dómini íbimus. v. Fiat pax in virtúte tua: et abundántia in túrribus tuis. Allelúia.

Alleluia, alleluia. Ps. ci. 16. v. Timébunt gentes nomen tuum, Dómine: et omnes reges terrae glóriam tuam. Allelúia.


I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: We shall go into the house of our Lord. v. Let peace be in thy strength, and abundance in thy towers. Alleluia.

Alleluia, alleluia. v. The nations shall fear Thy name, O Lord: and all the kings of the earth Thy glory.


Palsy may be taken as a type of sin, for in the same way that it deprives the body of movement, so does sin rob the soul of life. “Oh!” exclaims St. Peter Chrysologus, “if we could only behold the palsy that seizes upon our soul or look upon our soul deprived of virtues and full of faults, with what brilliance would Christ shine before our eyes, and how, as we daily examine our evil wills, should we not have recourse to the saving remedies with which He hastens to our aid.”

Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Matthaéum. In illo témpore: Ascéndens Jesus in navículam, transfretávit, et venit in civitátem suam. Et ecce offerébant ei paralyticum jacéntem in lecto. Et videns Jesus fidem illórum, dixit paralytico: Confíde, fili, remittúntur tibi peccáta tua. Et ecce quidam de scribis dixérunt intra se: Hic blasphémat. Et cum vidísset Jesus cogitatiónes eórum, dixit: Ut quid cogitátis mala in córdibus vestris? Quid est facílius, dícere: Dimittúntur tibi peccáta tua; an dícere: Surge, et ámbula? Ut autem sciátis, quia Fílius hóminis habet potestátem in terra dimitténdi peccáta, tunc ait paralytico: Surge, tolle lectum tuum, et vade in domum tuam. Et surréxit, et ábiit in domum suam. Vidéntes autem turbae timuérunt et glorificavérunt Deum, qui dedit potestátem talem homínibus.

Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. At that time, Jesus entering into a boat, passed over the water and came into His own city. And behold they brought Him one sick of the palsy lying in a bed; and Jesus seeing their faith, said to the man sick of the palsy: Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven thee. And behold some of the scribes said within themselves: He blasphemeth. And Jesus seeing their thoughts said: Why do you think evil in your hearts? whether is it easier to say: Thy sins are forgiven thee; or to say: Arise and walk? But that you may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins (then said He to the man sick of the palsy): Arise, take up thy bed, and go into thy house. And he arose, and went into his house. And the multitude seeing it, feared, and glorified God who had given such power to men.



Sanctificávit Móyses altáre Dómino, ófferens super illud holocáusta, et ímmolans víctimas: fecit sacrifícium vespertínum in odórem suavitátis Dómino Deo, in conspéctu filiórum Israël.

Moses consecrated an altar to the Lord, offering upon it holocausts, and sacrificing victims: he made an evening sacrifice to the Lord God for an odour of sweetness, in the sight of the children of Israel.



Deus, qui nos per hujus sacrifícii veneránda commércia, uníus summae divinitátis partícipes éfficis: praesta, quaésumus: ut, sicut tuam cognóscimus veritátem, sic eam dignis móribus assequámur. Per Dóminum.

O God who, through the communion in this venerable sacrifice, dost make us partakers of the one supreme Godhead: grant, we beseech Thee, that having come to the knowledge of Thy truth, we may obtain it by worthy lives. Through our Lord.

Second Secret

Exáudi nos, Deus salutáris noster: ut per hujus sacraménti virtútem, a cunctis nos mentis et córporis hóstibus tueáris; grátiam tríbuens in praesénti, et glóriam in futúro. Per Dóminum.

Graciously hear us, O God our Saviour, and by the virtue of this sacrament protect us from all enemies of soul and body, bestowing on us both grace in this life and glory hereafter. Through our Lord.



Tóllite hóstias, et introíte in átria ejus: adoráte Dóminum in aula sancta ejus.

Bring up sacrifices, and come into His courts: adore ye the Lord in His holy court.


Grátias tibi reférimus, Dómine, sacro múnere vegetáti: tuam misericórdiam deprecántes; ut dignos nos ejus participatióne perfícias. Per Dóminum.

Nourished by Thy sacred gift, we return thanks unto Thee, O Lord beseeching Thy mercy to make us worthy to partake of them. Through our Lord.

Second Postcommunion

Mundet et múniat nos, quaé-sumus, Dómine, divíni Sacra-ménti munus oblátum: et, intercedénte beáta Vírgine Dei Genitríce María, cum beáto Joseph, beátis Apóstolis tuis Petro et Paulo, atque beáto N., et ómnibus Sanctis; a cunctis nos reddat et perversitátibus expiátos, et adversitátibus expedítos. Per eúmdem Dóminum.

May the oblation of this divine sacrament cleanse and defend us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and, through the inter-cession of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with blessed Joseph, Thy blessed apostles Peter and Paul, blessed N. (here mention the titular saint of the church), and all the saints, purify us from all our sins and deliver us from all adversity. Through the same Lord.